Top Producers do not end up at the top by accident. They find themselves there from years of hard work and dedication. However, the good news is, anyone can become a top producing agent. Each top producing agent started at the bottom and had to work their way up. Are you curious to what these agents have in common? Here are a few basic characteristics below.
Top producers are confident
It is easy to have self-confidence as a top producer. However, there is a fine line between exuding self-confidence and arrogance. Self-confidence can help you establish trust and comfort with your clients. All clients want to know that their agent is confident in what they do. Make sure you come off as knowledgable and confident without giving the impression that you are full of yourself.
As an average agent, it can be more difficult to radiate confidence. It is much easier to have confidence when you know you are good at something. As an agent trying to get comfortable in real estate it is important to focus on self-improvement. If you feel like you have a weakness such as poor communication skills or lack of knowledge, then focus on improving it. Confident agents are not only confident about them selves, but they are also confident in their abilities.
Top producers understand the importance of their clients.
All agents should understand the importance of customer satisfaction. It drives referrals, client retention and is ultimately what holds your business together. Researchers have found that most satisfied customers return to their agent for three reasons:
- Developed trust makes it easier to return than to take a chance with a new agent.
- Established relationship gives a sense of obligation to return for future business.
- They enjoy doing business with the agent.
However as agents grow and start to become more successful, they often forget the importance of customer satisfaction. Some agents begin to believe it is the clients privilege to be working with them. Letting more difficult or higher maintenance clients go unsatisfied.
Top producers understand the importance of trying to satisfy all clients. One of the most powerful sources of marketing is word of mouth. People trust the word of the people they trust. As a top producing agent, the more people talking positively about you the better. This is what separates great agents for the best agents.
Top producers are hard workers.
Top producing agents wake up each day ready to work hard. They are self-motivated and are always trying to take their business to the next step.
In order to be successful as an independent contractor, it is essential to have self-motivation. Some of the best ways to keep your self motivated are:
- Set a schedule and dedicate that time out of each day for work. Whether times are slow or busy always make sure you are being productive during those hours.
- Set realistic goals with dates, the deadlines will give you a sense of urgency. Lay out ahead of time a reward for when you achieve a goal. This provides value and extra motivation to reach the goal.
- Stay organize and plan things out. It is always easier to stay on track if you know which direction you are heading.
- Learn how to accept failure and keeping pushing. Nothing damages self-confidence and motivation like failure.